2012年4月26日 星期四





2012年4月17日 星期二

Public not allowed to define their own interest

     Following the forced demolition of two houses owned by the Wang (王) family in Taipei’s Shilin District (士林), the Taipei City Government has been criticized for its approach to urban renewal programs. Numerous protests have also erupted over other cases of land expropriation. In light of these incidents, serious thought needs to be given to the issue at their core, namely, how best to define public interest.

     The public interest is an abstract and indeterminate legal concept. It should be formed and expressed through rigorous administrative processes in which information is freely available and members of the public have a chance to participate. In other words, public interest is a consensus that is arrived at through fair and open participation, communication and discussion.

     In pursuit of the public interest, most advanced democracies have abandoned the traditional model in which a minority of experts had a monopoly on policymaking. Instead, they actively encourage public participation.

     This reflects the acceptance of various knowledge systems, like traditional knowledge, and value choices, such as the idea that one’s land is one’s home. This more inclusive approach justifies and rationalizes the public interest.

     In contrast, Taiwan has long been used to authoritarian rule. Our government and institutions have a cast-iron grip on decisions involving the public interest. As a result, scant attention is paid to the decision-making process — a state of affairs that hasn’t changed since the Martial Law era ended in 1987.

     The government in Taiwan has long been in the habit of acting arbitrarily, forming and executing plans as it sees fit in pursuit of economic growth and efficiency.

     Those plans could be operational, like the fourth phase of the National Science Council’s Central Taiwan Science Park; town plans, such as the one in Ji-an Township (吉安) in Hualien County; or land expropriation plans, like the compulsory purchase of farmland at Dapu Village (大埔), Miaoli County and Puyu (璞玉) and Erchongpu (二重埔) in Hsinchu County. They could also be plans for the reassignment of urban land, such as the site of the Nantun (南屯) Catholic church in Greater Taichung, or urban renewal plans like the Wenlin Yuan (文林苑) development in which the Wangs’ house was demolished.

     The system gives the public little opportunity to participate and even when they can, it is just done to fulfill legal requirements and has very little real meaning. The Administrative Procedure Act (行政程序法) became law in 1999. Originally, it was supposed to mimic similar French and German laws by incorporating legally binding planning procedures. Later, however, the government deleted most of the relevant clauses on the grounds that Taiwan’s administrative system and culture were very different from those of France and Germany.

     Although the Ministry of Justice later drafted regulations in this regard, the government and associated institutions remained unwilling to cede their powers. As a result, public participation remains no more than an empty slogan. When ordinary people are excluded from the process and find their constitutional rights being violated or denied, they naturally take to the streets to protest such unjust treatment.

     Given the failings of the current system, it is important that legally binding planning procedures be incorporated into the relevant laws, so that all the people whose interests are affected can take part. The introduction of meaningful public hearings would allow all parties concerned to work out between them where the public interest lies.

Translated by Julian Clegg.

Published in The Taipei Times, 2012/04/17, P. 8.

2012年4月15日 星期日

Taiwanese property ownership in jeopardy

     Urban renewal has never been a zero-sum game and the same goes for the relationship between land expropriation and protecting private property rights. The key element is whether urban renewal furthers the public interest and meets the requirements for land expropriation.

     However, over the past few days, some commentators have said that criticism and protests against the forced demolition of the Wang (王) family’s property in Taipei City’s Shilin District (士林) show that Taiwan has the world’s strongest protection of private property rights, which overrides all else. These views are not only far from the truth, they are also devoid of any intellectual inquiry based on democracy and the spirit of public debate.

     The reason why the Taipei City government’s forceful demolition of the Wang property caused so much fear and panic is that the public suddenly realized how incredibly weak government and systemic protection of private property is in Taiwan. A decision made by the majority can deprive the minority of a basic human right.

     Also, after committing this big mistake, the Taipei City Government remains unwilling to face up to it. Department of Urban Development Commissioner Ting Yu-chun (丁育群) said it all when he said the administrative procedures pertaining to the case were completed and that we could not go back to the way things were. Such an attitude shows that the city government feels all it needs to do is ask for everyone to put up with their mistakes.

     There are two main points when it comes to the Wenlin Yuan (文林苑) urban renewal project. The first is that the Taipei City Government, relying on self-government ordinances and regulations written by itself, forced the use of the whole block as the renewal unit for the project. The other point is that the developer relied on Article 25 of the Urban Renewal Act (都市更新條例) to force a minority that did not agree to move — in this case the Wang family — to carry out a transformation of rights. When the Wang family refused to submit, the city government hit them with Article 36 of the act and demolished their property on behalf of the developer.

     What exactly does “a block” mean? The definition is very abstract and unclear, allowing the city government to do as it pleases. On the block where the Wang family residences once stood, there are another three buildings. If the entire block was supposed to be used as the renewal unit, then these other three buildings should also have been pulled down. This is not what happened.

     Even more important is the question of whether the renewal of the entire block is the same as the legislative prescription for planning of land for renewal as given in Article 6 of the Urban Renewal Act. Where in that article does it say that the entire block must be used as the unit for urban renewal? The city government has obviously exceeded legal regulations; it violated not only the principle of prohibiting inappropriate contracts, but also the protection of property rights outlined in the Constitution.

     These things were made clear last year in a ruling by the Taipei High Administrative Court, so how are we supposed to believe that the Taipei City Government did not know about this?

     The forced demolition of the Wang property could have been avoided. However, the Taipei City Government has kept making mistakes and remains unwilling to admit to having done so.

Translated by Drew Cameron

Published in The Taipei Times, 2012/04/15, P. 8.

2012年4月14日 星期六













2012年4月13日 星期五








2012年4月10日 星期二








2012年4月7日 星期六










Urban renewal system is flawed

     Taiwan’s urban renewal system is seriously flawed. This state of affairs was highlighted by the violent clashes in Taipei’s Shilin District (士林) over an urban renewal project on Thursday last week. Here are a few points to be considered in that context:

     First, this project is a forced joint construction undertaking initiated by the developer.

     Urban renewal in Taiwan has almost nothing in common with the US or European system. The Taiwanese system places urban renewal in the hands of developers. The developer is in control of defining key components of such projects, such as the “renewal unit” mentioned in articles 10 and 11 of the Urban Renewal Act (都市更新條例) and the creation of an “urban renewal project plan” and a “rights transformation plan,” mentioned in articles 19 and 29 respectively of the same act. Although the act also stipulates procedures for organizing related public exhibitions and public hearings, the developer controls the system and holds the power, and not many people are able to stand up to that.

     Second, this is a land expropriation project initiated by the developer.

     Although the term “land expropriation” is nowhere to be found in the Urban Renewal Act, the act essentially allows land expropriation that deprives individuals of their property rights. It is particularly frightening because land expropriation for the purpose of urban renewal does not follow the stringent requirements otherwise required, and this lies at the heart of the current urban renewal controversy. Only the government can initiate land expropriation and the law does not allow the private sector to do so. However, the government created a loophole in the Urban Renewal Act by stating in Article 22 and Article 25, clause 1, that if a certain proportion of the owners of private land or buildings in an area designated for urban renewal agree to the project, those who oppose it can be forced to join, thus depriving people of a constitutionally protected right.

     Land expropriation offers the state a legal procedure for depriving people of their constitutionally protected right to property for a public cause. However, land expropriation affects not only the rights of someone whose land rights have been invaded, but also their rights to subsistence and work. As such, land expropriation requires that five important conditions be met: public interest, necessity, proportionality, a last resort and full compensation. All these five conditions must be met, without exception.

     In Taiwan, however, an “agreement ratio” has been invented to replace these five crucial conditions in the case of urban renewal, wrongfully legitimizing it by relying on the decision by a majority. This is in all likelihood unconstitutional.

     Third, Taiwan’s Urban Renewal Act is the product of neo-liberalism and privatization ideas. In systemic terms, the government on the one hand gives free rein to developers, while on the other hand uses its public authority to assist them.

     Article 36 of the act says that the developer may request that the municipal, county or city authorities tear down buildings or evict tenants that have not been removed or left within a stipulated period, and that local authorities must comply with the request. This means the government has to tear down buildings or remove tenants, thus becoming an accomplice in promoting the interests of the developer.

     Fourth, our land is our home. Land carries great significance, as well as diverse and complex implications. For example, it can be an economic resource and a profit-bringing asset; it can also be a sustainable environmental resource and a necessary element for our continued survival. However, even more important than land is the space that we subjectively identify with; it is our home, and the place our souls are connected to and are sustained by. In addition to not being for sale, it is our roots.
In addition to property-rights concerns, then, land is closely connected to and cannot be separated from an individual’s right to subsistence and their character.

     In other words, there is an absolute relationship between an individual’s subsistence and character and their property ownership and freedom of disposal and use thereof. That is why a violation of property rights also involves the deprivation of their rights to subsistence and their character. Martial law has long been lifted, and Taiwan has returned to a constitutional government. President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has signed two UN human rights conventions, and the public’s basic rights should now enjoy ample protection. Despite this, the Taipei City Government forcibly demolished property last week in a great and shameful setback for human rights in Taiwan.

Published in Taipei Times, April 04, 2012, P. 8.

2012年4月6日 星期五



為了實施都市更新,台北市政府自訂了《台北市都市更新自治條例》、《自行劃定更新單元審查原則》、《台北市土地及合法建築物所有權人申請自行劃定更新單元(重建區段)作業須知》、自行劃定更新單元案涉及「北市都市更新自治條例」第12條第1 項第4 款規定之審查原則》等相關自治法規及規則,而士林王家暴力強拆案,其中之重大關鍵問題其實都是直接與《自治條例》、《審查原則》、《作業須知》相關,而不完全是《都市更新條例》。因此,當我們今日於立法院大陣丈的檢討《都市更新條例》修正方向時,本人要特別提醒,請不要忽略了台北市政府自訂之自治法規及規則,及其應當承擔的責任。


《台北市都市更新自治條例》第12條規範更新單元之劃定基準,其下羅列五項,台北市政府並且另定《自行劃定更新單元審查原則》,其第5點規定,「更新單元非屬完整街廓時,不得造成更新單元鄰接土地為畸零地,並應由建築師簽證確認之。」《作業須知》也指陳,「更新單元鄰接土地不得造成畸零地情事,並於申請書敘明檢討情形 (畸零地係指面積狹小或地界曲折之基地,得由申請人委託建築師檢討,並出具證明文件)。」

















2012年4月3日 星期二











2012年4月2日 星期一









2012年4月1日 星期日



